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One extra word (or two) on the extra words we use. 

Welcome to my blog, Words on Words. It's a (mostly) light-hearted look at the words I find wonderful and the language I think lovely.


In Language for Life, read how words came to be the words we use today. And get tips to help remember the rules of grammar that fox most of us at some point.


In Words at Work, you'll find ideas that could help improve the writing you have to do at work. Simple things that will make your business sound more human. 


To discover how one extra word could help market your business human through copywriting, consultancy or client service, email me at

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Copyright 2019-24 1 Extra Seat Limited.

Website and content designed and written by Simon Ximenez. Be nice - he tried really really hard. Bless him. 

1 Extra Word is a copyright trading name of 1 Extra Seat Limited; a company registered in England and Wales at Companies House No 12066082. You will find us in (Royal) Greenwich, South East London, but our registered office is 1 Extra Seat Limited, 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR. 

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